
I Am Fire I Am Death

I am fire i am death scene

I was fire,I began out a small flame,But have got gradually grown up into a colossal, fiery blaze.I feel fire,Constantly becoming ignited by sparks,Constantly increasing and becoming fueled.I have always been fire,Crackling, sizzling, burning up fróm within;A flickering émber with the desire toGlow, to light up the planet.I was fire,I can lessen buildings, scorch fields,And mix out a town from my combustion.I contain more power than fulfills the eyeAnd though I began out small,I finish with a increase.I are fire,I grow, I mature, and I burn off with wish to developInto bigger, greater factors. The divinity 2 engine.

I Am Fire I Am Death In The Book

Reviews for I Am Fire, I am Death or Why My Stannis Is The Best Human – ASOIAFSI; Guest chapter 5. DarkDragonQueen0 chapter 5. Brilliant story. Totally original and generally a fun read. Hope I'll see more in the future.:D. Guest chapter 5. Guest chapter 5. I Am Death and Fire. Author Comments. Tonight we will feast on delicious human souls, for tonight you may control me: The firebreathing menace of the sky, the.